©Gernot Kunz
©Gernot Kunz
©Gernot Kunz
Distribution records as at May 2019
Distinguishing features
Aphrophora pectoralis has a longish body shape, appearing more narrow in comparison to Aphrophora major. Adults are 9 - 11mm long and can typically be seen between May and September.
As is typical with froghoppers, they have two stout spines on the outer edge of the hind tibia, as well as several smaller spines at the tip.
The Aphrophora genus can be recognised by the keel running down the midline of the head and pronotum, and the particular species by the colour pattern.
Aphrophora pectoralis is very similar to Aphrophora salicina, but the forewings are yellowish in the basal third, with an indistinct blackish band behind this (see photo gallery). Some specimens appear intermediate and may require dissection for conclusive identification.