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Cicadellidae, Cicadoidea

Leafhopper with widespread but patchy distribution.

A local species found in grassy areas across England and Wales, sometimes at high altitude.

Distribution records as at May 2019

Euscelis lineolatus.PNG

Distinguishing features

Euscelis lineolatus is one of the smaller xylem-feeding insects. Adults are around 4 mm long and can typically be seen between August and December.


As is typical with leafhoppers, the hind tibia has one to three rows of spines running along the entire length:

Leafhopper tibia.JPG

The forewings of individuals in the Euscelis genus are sprinkled with dark dots. Reliable separation of males from Euscelis incisus is best achieved by examining the genitalia, although the form of the abdominal markings on the final segments can be distinctive in females. Euscelis lineolatus females can often be recognised by the pattern of three dark longitudinal stripes on the upperside of the tip of the abdomen; the abdomen is entirely dark in Euscelis incisus.

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